By / August 24, 2023
Salvatore Zarrella is the founder of Construction Management Group, LLC. He built his first home at the age of 22 and has nurtured a diverse background with extensive hands-on experience in many of the trades (over 20 years). Salvatore is a skilled millworker and finish carpenter, experienced marble and granite stone fabricator, as well as mechanical systems design knowledge. Salvatore’s valuable drafting skills provide specific instructions to field personnel when shop drawings or details need to be produced quickly.
His model for craftsmanship come from the European “old-world” time tested methods. This knowledge allows him to organize technical aspects of projects that require trade insights so that the jobs will run smoothly and achieve the highest level of quality.
He takes great pride and enjoyment in estimating, budgeting, and scheduling projects using the systems and programs that he has developed over many years. These systems have led to consistently proven success in budgeting, tracking, and reporting to clients with unmatched transparency and accuracy, making these essential areas efficient and easy to read for the client.
In 2011, Mr. Zarrella completed Passive House consultant training under the Passive House Institute (PHI) administered by Passive House Institute US (PHIUS). He has since become a strong advocate for high performance commercial and residential buildings that consume little to no energy.